Monday, February 12, 2018

Sheep Flipping

On Friday February 9th, we went to the farm and flipped the sheep. We did this because in March the sheep will be flipped for shearing. Once you flip the sheep, the sheep go into a trance and they are quite peaceful. This allows for more control. The wool of sheep can be used for clothing and accessories. It is important to shear the sheep because it is cleaner and prevents diseases from insects. Also, it is important to shear the sheep because they can go blind if the wool grows too long. To flip the sheep you put your left hand on the left horn and turn its head towards its stomach. Then, you take your right hand and put it under the sheep's stomach and pull the sheep up and back. While the sheep is flipped, you can trim the hooves, check for anemia in the eyes, and checking the teeth. However, it is most common to shear the sheep in this position.

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