Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Birthing of Goats

October 19, 2017

A goat's gestation period is usually around 150 days (approximately 5 months). Goats can have up to five kids, but normally they have twins and sometimes triplets. Generally, a goat's first pregnancy produces one or two kids. Does are in season every three weeks. When a goat is about a week from giving birth, the kid(s) will drop into the birthing canal, creating a hollow right below their hips. When kids are born, their nose and feet must come out first. If this does not happen, you must adjust the kid yourself. At the base of the tail there are ligaments that feel soft and smooth if they are about to give birth and if it is hard they are likely not about to give birth. Once the babies have been safely born, you must dip the umbilical cord in iodine so it will dry up properly and not become infected.
Video of goat birth, viewer discretion advised

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